How Does Social Security Work?

The term “social security” was used to describe any form of action that would help individuals that have limited finances in society. The people who fall under this category are the people with disabilities, the seniors, the mentally ill, and the needy individuals. Franklin Roosevelt brought forth the idea of social insurance. Under his tenure, the Social Security Act was approved in 1935. Over the years, the Social Security Act has incurred some changes depending on the economic situation and the population of the country.

Responsible organization For Social Security Work (Government Office)

The United States Social Security Administration is responsible for social security work. It is an independent agency, and it works under the jurisdiction of the U.S. government. The agency issues social security in the form of disability, retirement, and survivor’s benefits. Every worker gets a deduction from their earnings to pay for social security taxes. The benefits an individual gets are always based on their contributions.

Who is eligible?

To qualify for social security, you must first reach your retirement age. You can start using your social security after attaining the age of 65. For widows and widowers, you can begin collecting your social security after attaining the age of 60. Disabled individuals qualify for social security at the age of 50. To qualify for social security, you must possess a certain number of “credits.” These “credits” are determined by the amount of money you earn annually. The Social Security Administration determines how much a person should earn so that they may receive credits. In a year, a person is only eligible for a maximum of four credits.

How to Apply for Social Security

When applying for social security, you can book an appointment if you are visiting the Social Security Administration offices in person. You can also apply for social security by contacting the relevant government offices. The Social Security Administration encourages people to apply for social security online through the agency’s website. You will click on the retirement section provided on the home page. The application process requires you to fill in details such as your name, address, and Social Security Number. The Social Security Agency ensures that your personal information is secure.

Where to Find More Information

For more information on how social security works, you can visit the Social Security Administration website- You will gain more insight into how social security works as well as how to proceed with the application process.
